Lucchese crime family

Lucchese crime family
In New York City, New York
Founded by Gaetano "Tommy" Reina and named after Tommy Lucchese
Years active c. 1920s-present
Territory Various neighborhoods in New York City and New Jersey
Ethnicity Made men (full members) are Italian, Italian-American, Sicilian or Sicilian-American. Other ethnicities are employed as "associates."
Membership 115-140 made members,[1] 1,100+ associates.
Criminal activities Racketeering, assault, bookmaking, burglary, cargo theft, conspiracy, contract killing, counterfeiting, cigarette smuggling, credit card fraud, drug trafficking, extortion, fencing, fraud, illegal gambling, hotel robbery, hijacking, jewelry heist, labor racketeering, point shaving, loansharking, money laundering, murder, murder for hire, robbery and skimming
Allies Genovese, Gambino, Bonanno and Colombo crime families
Rivals Various gangs in New York City including their allies

The Lucchese crime family (pronounced Lou-kay-zee) is one of the "Five Families" that dominates organized crime activities in New York City, United States, within the nationwide criminal phenomenon known as the Mafia (or Cosa Nostra).[2] The family originated in the early 1920s with Gaetano "Tommy" Reina serving as boss up until his murder in 1930.[2] It was taken over by Gaetano "Tommy" Gagliano during the Castellammarese War, and led by him until his death in 1951. The family under Gagliano was peaceful and low key, concentrating their criminal actives to the Bronx, Manhattan and New Jersey. The next boss was Gaetano "Tommy" Lucchese, who turned the family around to became one of the most powerful families to sit on the Commission. Lucchese teamed up with Gambino family boss Carlo Gambino to control organized crime in New York City. When Lucchese died of natural causes in 1967, Carmine Tramunti controlled the family for a brief time; he was arrested in 1973. Anthony "Tony Ducks" Corallo then gained control of the family. Corallo was very secretive and soon became one of the most powerful members of the Commission. He was arrested and tried in the famous Commission case of 1986.

Corallo decided to put Vittorio "Vic" Amuso and Anthony Casso in charge of the family. Casso was soon promoted to underboss, and the family barely survived his reign. In the early 1990s, Casso who was fearing arrest kept ordering those he felt unloyal to be murdered. The former street boss for Casso, Alphonse "Little Al" D'Arco, feared for his own life and turned informant. This led to the arrest of the entire Lucchese family hierarchy, with Casso also becoming an informant. Today the family is still controlled by Vic Amuso who is serving life in prison.



The Reina Gang

The early history of the Reina crime family can be traced to members of the Morello gang based in East Harlem and the Bronx. Gaetano "Tommy" Reina would leave the Morello's around the time of World War I and created his own family based in East Harlem and the Bronx. As the family's leader, Reina avoided the Mafia-Cammora War for control over New York City. He instead focused on controlling the home ice distribution business throughout New York City.[2] During the early 1920s, Reina became a powerful prohibition era boss and aligned himself with Joseph Masseria, the most powerful Italian-American crime boss in New York. Masseria soon became involved in the Castellammarese War, a vicious gang war with rival Sicilian boss Salvatore Maranzano. At this point, Masseria started demanding a share of Reina's criminal profits, prompting Reina to consider changing allegiance to Maranzano. When Masseria learned of Reina's possible betrayal, he plotted with Reina lieutenant Tommy Gagliano to kill him. On February 26, 1930, gunman Vito Genovese murdered Reina outside his aunt's apartment.[2] With Reina dead, Masseria bypassed Gagliano, who expected to take control of the Reina gang, and installed his underling Joseph "Fat Joe" Pinzolo as boss. Furious with this betrayal, Gagliano and Tommy Lucchese secretly defected to Maranzano. In September 1930, Lucchese lured Pinzolo to a Manhattan office building, where Pinzolo was murdered.

The Two Tommies

With Masseria's murder in early 1931, Maranzano won the Castellammarese War. He then outlined a peace plan to all the Sicilian and Italian Mafia leaders in the United States.[3] There would be 24 organizations (to be known as "families") throughout the country who would elect their own bosses. Maranzano also reorganized all the Italian-American gangs in New York City into five New York families to be headed by Maranzano, Lucky Luciano, Vincent Mangano, Tommy Gagliano and Joseph Profaci. Gagliano became the boss of the old Reina gang, to be later known as the Lucchese family, with Lucchese as his underboss and Stefano Rondelli as his consigliere. The final element of Maranzano's peace plan was that he would become the supreme leader of all the families, the Boss of all Bosses. However, Luciano and other mob members did not want another top leader. When Maranzano learned about Luciano's disaffection, he hired a gunman to kill him. However, in September 1931 Luciano struck first. Several Jewish assassins provided by Luciano associate Meyer Lansky murdered Maranzano in his office. Luciano now became the most powerful mobster in New York.

Luciano kept the family structure as created by Maranzano, but removed the Boss of Bosses in favor of a ruling body, The Commission. The Commission's responsibility was to regulate the families' affairs and resolve all differences between the families.[3] The first Commission members included Luciano family boss Luciano as head of the Commission, Mangano family boss Vincent Mangano, Gagliano family boss Tommy Gagliano, Profaci family boss Joseph Profaci, Chicago Outfit boss Al "Scarface" Capone, and Maranzano family boss Joseph Bonanno.[3] Although the Commission was technically a democratic institution, it was actually controlled by Luciano and his allies.

During the 1930s and 1940s, Gaetano "Tommy" Gagliano and Lucchese led their family into profitable areas of the trucking and clothing industries.[2] When Luciano was sent to prison for pandering in 1936, a rival alliance took control of the Commission. The alliance of Mangano, Bonanno, Buffalo crime family boss Stefano Magaddino, and Profaci used their power to control organized crime in America.[3] Understanding his vulnerability, Gagliano was careful to avoid opposing this new alliance. Gagliano was a quiet man who avoided the media and stayed off the streets. He preferred to pass his orders to the family though Lucchese and a few other close allies. In contrast, Lucchese was the public face of the family who carried out Gagliano's orders. In 1946, Lucchese attended the Cosa Nostra Havana Conference in Cuba on behalf of Gagliano.[4] Gagliano remained the hidden boss of the family until his death in 1951 or 1953.

The Lucchese era

After Gagliano's death in 1951 or 1953, Lucchese became family boss and appointed Vincenzo Rao as his Consigliere and Stefano LaSalle as his Underboss. Lucchese continued with Gagliano's policies, making the now Lucchese family one of the most profitable in New York. Lucchese established control over Teamsters union locals, workers' co-operatives and trade associations, and rackets at the new Idlewild Airport.[3] Lucchese also expanded family rackets in Manhattan's Garment District and in related trucking industry around New York City. Lucchese built close relations with many powerful New York politicians, including Mayors William O'Dwyer and Vincent Impellitteri and members of the judiciary, who aided the family on numerous occasions. Throughout his regime, Lucchese kept a low profile for which he became lauded in Mafia circles. Remembering how the Mustache Petes treated their soldati like mere commodities, he saw to it that his men were well taken care of.[2]

When Lucchese became boss, he helped Vito Genovese and Carlo Gambino in their fights to take control of their families.[3] By 1962, Lucchese and Gambino controlled the Commission. Together they backed the Gallo crew from the rival Profaci family in its war with their boss Joe Profaci. Gambino and Lucchese saw the war as a way to take over rackets from the distracted Profaci's. After uncovering a plot by Joe Bonanno to assassinate them, Lucchese and Gambino used the Commission to strip Bonanno of his role as boss. This power play started a war within the Bonanno family and served to strengthen both the Lucchese and Gambino families.

Lucchese led a quiet, stable life until his death from a brain tumor on July 13, 1967. At the time of his death, he had not spent a day in jail in 44 years.[2] Lucchese left his family in a very powerful position in New York City. The Lucchese family had a stronghold in East Harlem, the Bronx and consisted of about 200 made members.[5] After Lucchese's death, the Commission made Carmine Tramunti acting boss until Lucchese's chosen successor, Anthony Corallo, was released from prison.[3]

Tramunti and the French Connection

At the time of his appointment as temporary boss, Carmine "Mr. Gribbs" Tramunti was almost 70 years old and in ill health. With boss-in-waiting Anthony "Tony Ducks" Corallo in prison, Tramunti was expected to hold power until Corallo's release. Tramunti faced a number of criminal charges during his time as acting boss and was eventually convicted of financing a large heroin smuggling operation, the infamous French Connection. This scheme was responsible for distributing millions of dollars in heroin along the East Coast during the early seventies.

Before the French Connection trail, the seized heroin was stored in the NYPD property/evidence storage room pending trial. In a brazen scheme, criminals stole hundreds of kilograms of heroin worth $70 million from the room and replaced them with bags of flour. Officers discovered the theft when they noticed insects eating the so-called heroin. The scope and depth of this scheme is still unknown, but officials suspect the thieves had assistance from corrupt NYPD officers Certain plotters received jail sentences, including Papa (he was later assassinated in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia). In 1974, after Tramunti's incarceration, Corallo finally took charge of the family.[2]

Corallo and the Jaguar

After Tramunti's incarceration in 1974, Anthony Corallo finally took control of the Lucchese family. Corallo came from the Queens faction of the family. Known as "Tony Ducks" from his ease at 'ducking' criminal convictions, Corallo was a Boss squarely in the Tommy Lucchese mold. Corallo had been heavily involved in labor racketeering and worked closely with Jimmy Hoffa, the Teamsters president, during the 1940s and 1950s. Corallo also enjoyed close ties to the Painters and Decorators Union', the Conduit Workers Union, and the United Textile Workers Union. Corrallo appointed Salvatore "Tom Mix" Santoro as the Underboss and supervisor of all labor and construction racketeering operations in New York, and Christopher "Christie Tick" Furnari as the reputed Consigliere. The family prospered under Corallo's leadership, particularly in narcotics trafficking, labor racketeering, and major illegal gambling.

Corallo never discussed business during sit-downs, fearing that the FBI was monitoring the conversations. Instead, he used the car phone in the Jaguar owned by his bodyguard and chauffeur's. Corallo was driven around New York while on the phone discussing business. Salvatore "Sal" Avellino and Aniello "Neil" Migliore shifted as Corallo's chauffeurs during the 1970s and 1980s.[6]

Corallo, a huge fan of the New Jersey faction of the family, reputedly inducted and promoted Anthony "Tumac" Accetturo and Michael "Mad Dog" Taccetta into the organization and put them in charge of the Jersey Crew, which reportedly controlled most of the loansharking and illegal gambling operations in Newark, New Jersey at the time.[6]

In the early 1980s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) finally managed to plant a bug in the Jaguar. The FBI recorded Corallo speaking at great length about mob affairs, including illegal gambling, labor racketeering, drug trafficking, and murder. Corallo was arrested and put on trial along with all the heads of the Five Families at the time. This trial became legendary as the Mafia Commission Trial. Corallo was convicted on numerous charges and January 13, 1987 was sentenced to 100 years in prison, where he died in 2000.

To succeed him as boss, Corallo originally chose acting boss Anthony "Buddy" Luongo. However, Luongo disappeared in 1986. Corallo's ultimate choice was Vittorio "Vic" Amuso.[6] Allegedly both Amuso and Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso were candidates for the job. Evidence suggests that Corallo wanted Casso, but Casso convinced him to select Amuso instead. After becoming boss, Amuso made Casso his underboss, allowing him to exert great influence over family decisions.

The iron fists of Amuso and Casso

During the late 1980s, the Lucchese family underwent a period of great turmoil. Vittorio "Vic" Amuso and his fierce underboss, Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso, instituted one of the most violent reigns in American Mafia history. Both men were heavily involved in labor racketeering, extortion, drug trafficking and committed many murders. Amuso and Casso were strong rivals of Gambino crime family boss John Gotti and strong allies of Genovese crime family boss Vincent "Chin" Gigante. Angry over Gotti's unauthorized murder of Gambino boss Paul Castellano, Amuso, Casso, and Gigante conspired to murder Gotti. On April 13, 1986 a car-bombing killed Gambino underboss Frank DeCicco, but missed Gotti. This assassination attempt sparked a long and confusing 'tension' between these three crime families with many deaths reported on all sides.[7][8]

During the late 1980s, Amuso began demanding 50% of the profits generated by the Jersey Crew. New Jersey leaders Anthony Accetturo and Michael Taccetta refused Amuso's demand. In retaliation, Amuso ordered the entire Jersey Crew killed—the now-infamous "whack Jersey" order. He summoned them to a meeting in Brooklyn. Fearful for their lives, all the Jersey crew members skipped the meeting and went into hiding.

Taccetta and Accetturo were later put on trial in 1990, as both Amuso and Casso were implicated in a case involving the fitting of thousands of windows in New York at over-inflated prices, and the pair went into hiding of that same year, naming Alphonse "Little Al" D'Arco as acting boss. For the next few years, Amuso and Casso ruled the family from afar and ordered the execution of anyone they deemed troublesome, either they were considered rivals or potential informants. All of this convinced many Lucchese wiseguys that Amuso and Casso were no longer acting or thinking rationally.[7][8]

What followed next was a series of botched hits on family members suspected of being informants. Ironically, these hits caused several family members to actually turn informer. Amuso ordered the slaying of capo Peter "Fat Pete" Chiodo, who along with Casso was in charge of the Windows Case operation. He was shot 12 times, but still survived. After Amuso ordered hits on Chiodo's wife and sister in violation of longstanding rules against women being harmed, Chiodo turned state's evidence and provided the entire windows operation that eventually controlled $150 million in window replacements, sold in New York City. As Amuso also sanctioned the hit on Anthony Accetturo, who was on trial in 1990, he also cooperated with the government.[7][8]

The planned executions went as high as acting boss D'Arco. Furious over the failed hit on Chiodo, Amuso set up D'Arco to be killed at a Manhattan hotel. However, this hit also came undone after D'Arco saw a man hide a gun in his shirt, then slip it into the bathroom. Recognizing this as a classic setup for a hit, D'Arco fled for his life and turned himself over to the authorities to spare him and his family from Amuso and Casso and their increasingly erratic demands. He was the first boss of a New York crime family, acting or otherwise, to become an informant.[8]

Law enforcement eventually caught up with the two fugitives. On July 29, 1991, the FBI captured Amuso in Pennsylvania, and in 1993 Casso was caught in Greenwood, New York.[8] Amuso steadfastly refused all offers from the government to make a deal and become a government witness. In contrast, Casso quickly agreed to a deal and started revealing family secrets. One of the biggest secrets was that Casso had been paying two New York Police Department detectives, Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa, to provide Casso with sensitive police information and even perform to contract murders. Casso related how Eppolito and Caracappa, on Christmas Day 1986, murdered an innocent Brooklyn man who had the same name as a suspected government informant.[9] Casso told the government that in 1992 Lucchese hit men tried to kill the sister of another suspected informant, violating the alleged Mafia "rule" barring violence against family members.[10] Unfortunately for Casso, his testimony proved so inconsistent that prosecutors accused him of breaking the terms of his deal with them. As a result, the court ordered no leniency for Casso at his sentencing.

In January 1993, Amuso received a life sentence.[11] In 1994, Casso also received a life sentence. Casso had reportedly conspired with reputed consigliere Frank Lastorino and Brooklyn faction leaders George Zappola, George Conte, Frank "Bones" Papagni and Frank Gioia, Jr. into murdering Steven "Wonderboy" Crea, Amuso's acting underboss of the Bronx, as well as Gambino crime family acting boss John "Junior" Gotti, son of the imprisoned John Gotti, along with members of the Genovese crime family once again. But due to massive indictments, none of the plots were committed.[8]

Acting bosses

When Amuso went to prison, he chose Joseph "Little Joe" DeFede to be his acting boss. Throughout the mid 1990s Amuso continued to control the family from prison. DeFede, who supervised the powerful Garment District racket, reportedly earned more than $40,000 to $60,000 a month. DeFede placed Steven Crea in charge of the family's labor and construction racketeering operations. Crea increased the Lucchese family earnings from these rackets between $300,000 and $500,000 every year. But as US law enforcement kept pressuring the organized crime activities in New York, DeFede was arrested and indicted on nine counts of racketeering in 1998. DeFede pled guilty to the charges and was sentenced to five years in prison. Angry at DeFede's guilty plea, Amuso promoted Crea as the new acting boss.[12]

Steven Crea success with the labor and construction rackets convinced Amuso that DeFede had been previously skimming off these profits. In late 1999, Amuso placed a contract on DeFede's life. On September 6, 2000, Crea and seven other Lucchese members were arrested and jailed on extortion charges, mostly to the supervising of the construction sites with various capos Dominic Truscello and Joseph Civitello.[12][13]

After Crea's imprisonment, the consigliere Louis "Lou Bagels" Daidone, took control of the family. However, Daidone's tenure was short lived. After his release from the prison, the scared DeFede became a government witness and helped the government convict Daidone of murder and conspiracy. Daidone's conviction was also helped by the testimony from Alphonse D'Arco in September 2004.[12]

Mafia cops

In April 2006, Casso revealed that two respected New York City police detectives worked as hitmen and informants for Casso during the 1980s and early 1990s before their retirement. They were Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa, who spent much of their combined 44 years with the NYPD committing murders and leaking confidential information to the Lucchese family. Between 1986 and 1990, Eppolito and Caracappa participated in eight murders and received $375,000 from Casso in bribes and payments for murder 'contracts'. Casso used Caracappa and Eppolito to pressure the Gambino crime family by murdering several of their members. This is because Casso, along with the imprisoned Amuso and Genovese crime family boss Vincent Gigante, wanted their rival John Gotti out of the way. Caracappa and Eppolito are now seen as the main source of 'tension' between these three families during the late 1980s and early 1990s.[14][15]

For one contract, Eppolito and Caracappa kidnapped mobster James Hydell, forced him into their car trunk, and delivered him to Casso for torture and murder. Hydell's body was never found. The two detectives also shot Bruno Facciolo, who was found in Brooklyn in the trunk of a car with a canary in his mouth. After pulling Gambino crime family captain Edward "Eddie" Lino for a routine traffic check, the detectives murdered him on the expressway in his Mercedes-Benz. In 2006, Eppolito and Caracappa were convicted of murdering Hydell, Nicholas Guido, John "Otto" Heidel, John Doe, Anthony DiLapi, Facciolo, Lino, and Bartholomew Boriello on the orders of Casso and the Lucchese family. They were sentenced to life imprisonment.[15][16]

Three-man ruling panel

With the arrest of acting boss Louis Daidone in 2003 imprisoned boss Vic Amuso created a three-man ruling panel to run the family.[17] The panel consisting of three senior capos Aniello "Neil" Migliore, Joseph "Joey Dee" DiNapoli and Matthew Madonna brought the family power back into the Bronx. According to a February 2004, New York Post article, the Lucchese family consisted of about 9 capos and 82 soldiers making the family the fourth largest in New York City.[18] In 2006, the former acting boss Steven Crea was released from prison after serving five years, under restrictive parole conditions that expired in 2009.[19][20] The three man panel jointly continued to maintain the power over the family, acting as street bosses.[20]

On December 18, 2007, two members of the ruling panel Joseph DiNapoli and Matthew Madonna were indicted along with top New Jersey faction capos Ralph V. Perna and Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr..[21][22] In the New Jersey indictment a total of thirty-two members and associates of the New Jersey faction were arrested. Information obtained from New Jersey law enforcement agencies investigation Operation Heat revealed that the New Jersey faction controlled a $2.2 billion dollar illegal gambling, money laundering and racketeering ring from New Jersey to Costa Rica.[23][24]

On October 1, 2009, the Lucchese family was hit with two separate indictments charging 49 members and associates with bribery and racketeering.[25] In the first indictment 29, members and associates of the Lucchese family were arrested.[25] The indicted charged Joseph DiNapoli, Matthew Madonna and acting capo Anthony Croce with running operations that nearly grossed $400 million from illegal gambling, loansharking, gun trafficking, bribery and extortion.[26] In the second indictment obtained from investigation "Operation Open House" 12 more Lucchese mobsters were charged with bribery. Acting capo Andrew Disimone and others mobsters were charged with bribing New York Police Department (NYPD) detective and sergeant posing as crooked cops to protect illegal poker parlors.[25][27]

Current position and leadership

Although in prison for life, Victor Amuso remains the official boss of the Lucchese crime family. Amuso has been boss for almost a quarter-century but it is unclear how much influence, if any, he has over the crime family's day-to-day affairs. In the last few years, a three-man ruling panel consisting of Aniello "Neil" Migliore, Joseph DiNapoli and Matthew Madonna have been running the family. All three men are long time capos in the family, but Migliore is believed to be the most powerful. Arguably, Migliore, DiNapoli and Madonna brought stability to the Lucchese family during the 2000s. The family's presence remains strong in the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and New Jersey.

A March 2009 article in the New York Post stated that the Lucchese family consists of approximately 100 "made" members,[20] possibly making it the smallest of the Five Families, although not the weakest. It is probably the third most powerful family (behind the Genovese and Gambino families).

In late 2009 the Lucchese family was handed three federal indictments showing that the family continues to be very active in organized crime, especially in labor racketeering, illegal gambling, and extortion.[25][26][28] In one of the indicitments ruling panel members Joseph DiNapoli and Matthew Madonna were charged with controlling an ring that extorted and bribed businesses and construction sites in Manhattan and the Bronx.[25][26] Also in 2009, underboss Steven Crea's parole expired and consigliere Joseph Caridi was released from prison after serving almost six years.

Historical leadership

Boss (official and acting)

The boss is the head of the family and the top decision maker. Only the boss, underboss or consigliere can initiate an associate into the family, allowing them to become a made man. The boss can promote or demote family members at will. The Acting Boss is responsible for running the crime family while the boss is incarcerated or incapacitated. If the boss dies, the acting boss may become the new boss, or be stepped over and lose his position as Acting Boss.[29][30]

Street Boss and Ruling panel(s)

Street Boss
In the early 1990s, Vic Amuso used a Street Boss to distance himself from federal surveillance and enforce his orders to the other members of the administration. The street boss was considered the go-to-guy for the boss, when passing on his orders to lower ranking members.[38]

Ruling panel(s)
A ruling panel (or committee) of capos may be assembled to control the decision making of the crime family.

Underboss (official and acting)

The underboss is the number two position in the family (after Don, Godfather, Boss). Also known as the "capo bastone" in some criminal organizations, this individual is responsible for ensuring that profits from criminal enterprises flow up to the boss and generally oversees the selection of the caporegime(s) and soldier(s) to carry out murders and other criminal activities. The underboss takes control of the crime family after the boss's death. Keeping this power until a new boss is chosen, which in some cases was the Underboss.

Consigliere (official and acting)

Consigliere is an advisor to the boss and usually the number three person in a crime family.

Current family members



Capo (Crew boss/captain/lieutenant/caporegime): a capo is appointed by the family boss to run his own borgata (regime, or crew) of sgarrista (soldiers). Each capo reports directly to the underboss, who gives the capo permission to perform criminal activities. If the family needs to murder someone, the underboss normally asks a capo to carry out the order. The capo runs the day-to-day operations of his crew. The capo's soldiers give part of their earnings to the capo, and the capo gives a share to the underboss. A capo can recommend to the underboss or boss that a recruit be allowed to join his crew as a mob associate.

New York

Bronx faction

Manhattan & Long Island

Brooklyn faction

New Jersey


Soldier (sgarrista/soldato/wiseguy/button/buttonman/goodfella): a soldier is a made man who has already proven himself to the family. In order to become a soldier he must pass the voting of the captains vote then a message is passed up to the boss or underboss. The soldier then takes an oath (Omertà) to honor the family, he is then assigned into a crew and given a captain. A soldier is one of the lowest ranks in the family but still has much power over associates and friends.

Imprisoned soldiers

Family crews

A crew is a group of soldiers and associates who operate in a specific area. The capo runs the crew and reports to the underboss. The soldiers run illegal activities such as illegal gambling, loansharking, bookmaking, extortion, and fencing of stolen goods. The soldiers pay tribute to the capo and the capo sends a portion of this tribute money to the boss and underboss. The soldiers are "made men", or full family members, and have associates (who are not made men) working for them. An associate works for a crew in hopes of proving his worth to the family and becoming a made man. To be eligible to become a made man, an associate must be of Italian ancestry on both sides of his family.

Recruitment gangs

Controlled unions

The Lucchese family has taken over unions across United States. The crime family has extorted money from the unions in blackmail, strong-arming, violence and other matters to keep their control over the market. Similar to the other four crime families of New York City they worked on controlling entire unions. With the mob having control over the union they control the entire market. Bid-rigging allows the mob to get a percentage of the income on the construction deal only allowing certain companies to bid on jobs who pay them first. The mob also allows companies to use non-union workers to work on jobs the companies must give a kickback to the mob. Unions give mob members jobs on the books to show a legitimate source of income. The Mafia members get into high union position and began embezzling money from the job and workers.

Former members

Government informants and witnesses

Allied and Rival criminal groups

Mafia allies

Other allies


Family events

In popular culture



  1. ^ a b c d The Changing Face of ORGANIZED CRIME IN NEW JERSEY - A Status Report(May 2004) State of New Jersey Commission of Investigation
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h "The Lucchese Family: Blood and Gravy" by Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Raab, Selwyn. The Five Families: The Rise, Decline & Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empire. New York: St. Martins Press, 2005.
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ "FUHGEDDABOUD THE OLD MOB After Gotti, Mafia ordered to clean house" BY MICHELE MCPHEE New York Daily News July 7th 2002
  6. ^ a b c "The Lucchese Family; Tony Ducks and the Jaguar" by Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  7. ^ a b c d "The Lucchese Family: Off With Everyone's Head" By Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  8. ^ a b c d e f g "The Lucchese family: The Gaspipe Backfires" By Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  9. ^ "Of Murder, Mob Witnesses And Shouting in the Court" By ALAN FEUER New York Times March 14, 2006
  10. ^ "'Most Ruthless Mafia Leader Left; Leader on the Lam Runs the Lucchese Family, Agents Say" By SELWYN RAAB New York Times November 28, 1992
  11. ^ a b Carlo, Philip Gaspipe: Confessions of a Mafia Boss p. 246
  12. ^ a b c "The Lucchese family: A Revolving Door" by Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  13. ^ a b c d e "Construction Indictments" District Attorney New York County Press release September 6, 2000
  14. ^ Drury, Bob. Mafia Cop: The Story of an Honest Cop Whose Family Was the Mob. ISBN 1-4165-2399-5
  15. ^ a b Lawson, Guy. The Brotherhoods: The True Story of Two Cops Who Murdered for the Mafia. 2007. ISBN 978-0-7432-8944-3
  16. ^ "Dispatches from mob trial" By Dan Ackman Slate Magazine
  17. ^ a b c d e f g "What’s Left of the Mob" By Jerry Capeci (May 21, 2005) New York Magazine
  18. ^ Al Guart. ."Mob Wants You; Recruiting drive sends Wiseguys tally to 651" (February 8, 2004) New York Post
  19. ^ a b "Steven Crea" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  20. ^ a b c d "It's a Mob Family Circus" By STEFANIE COHEN New York Post March 8, 2009
  21. ^ "N.J. authorities indict 34 in Lucchese crime family bust from ‘Operation Heat’" Mafia Today May 14, 2010
  22. ^ "N.J. mob indictments handed to Lucchese crime family" Newsroom New Jersey May 14 May 2010 14
  23. ^ a b "State of New Jersey". 2006-07-19. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  24. ^ a b Claire Heininger/Statehouse Bureau (2007-12-18). "Names of those charged in $2.2B gambling ring". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  25. ^ a b c d e f g "49 indicted for bribery, racketeering schemes on a crazy Lucchese mob day" BY Jose Martinez and Brian Kates New York Daily News October 2nd 2009
  26. ^ a b c "Lucchese crime family members busted in mob raid" By LAURA ITALIANO and MURRAY WEISS New York Post October 1, 2009
  27. ^ a b "Dozens Arrested in Raids Against Luchese Crime Family" By A. G. SULZBERGER New York Times October 1, 2009
  28. ^ a b Attorney General Cuomo and Police Commissioner Kelly Net 22 in Massive Takedown of Organized Crime in Staten Island "Operations "Pure Luck" and "Night Gallery" Reveal Loan Sharking, Gambling, and Bribery" (November 18, 2009) Office of the New York Attorney General
  29. ^ "Crime Bosses of New York - The Lucchese" The American Mafia website
  30. ^ "New York" By Mario Machi American
  31. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l DeVico, Peter J. The Mafia Made Easy: The Anatomy and Culture of La Cosa Nostra. (pg. 175) Tate Publishing, 2007. ISBN 1-60247-254-8
  32. ^ "White-Collar Mafioso: Tommy Lucchese (1899-1967)" By Thomas Hunt
  33. ^ "Tommy Lucchese Biography" Bio website
  34. ^ Harrell, G.T. For Members Only: The Story of the Mob's Secret Judge. Arthur House Publishing, 2009 (pg 99-101)
  35. ^ a b c d Philip Carlo. Gaspipe: Confessions of a Mafia Boss (pg.296)
  36. ^ a b c "Declaration of Alphonse D'Arco in Mason Tenders RICO Suit
  37. ^ Luchese Ex-Boss Singing for Feds by Robert Gearty (October 23, 2002) New York Daily News
  38. ^ Raab "Five Families" pg.494-495
  39. ^ Gaspipe: Confessions of a Mafia Boss by Philip Carlo (pg. 240)
  40. ^ a b Gage, Nicholas. "Part II The Mafia at War". New York Magazine. July 17, 1972. (pg. 27-36)
  41. ^ a b "McClellan Chart 1963"]
  42. ^ a b Organized crime: 25 years after Valachi. (1988). Issue 1806. (pg. 897)
  43. ^ American federal tax reports: Second series, Volume 83 (1991) Prentice-Hall (view)
  44. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Dumb Fellas Grads' Dream Of Mob Glory Died Behind Prison Bars" by Jerry Capeci (May 4, 1998) New York Daily News
  45. ^ a b Luchese Underboss and Captain Plead Guilty to Extortion Charges in Federal Court District Attorney of New York (October 1, 2003)
  46. ^ a b c "Who's the boss today?" Mafia News Today
  47. ^ a b "Suspect's Styled as Old-Time Gangster" by Mike Claffey and Michele McPhee (November 29, 2000) New York Daily News
  48. ^ Joseph Bonanno. A Man of Honor: The Autobiography of Joseph Bonanno. (pg. 84, 106, 116)
  49. ^ Nixon vs. the City's Top Crime fighter by Peter Maas (June 30, 1969) New York Magazine (pg.24-27)
  50. ^ a b Critchley, David. "The origins of organized crime in America: the New York City mafia, 1891-1931". 2009. Routlege Publishing. (pg.45)
  51. ^ Gangbusters: The Destruction of America's Last Great Mafia Dynasty by Ernest Volkman (pg.125-132)
  52. ^ Wiseguy: life in a Mafia family By Nicholas Pileggi pg.163
  53. ^ "Vario Convicted of Tax Evasion; Reputed Mafioso Could Get 11-Year Prison Term". February 10, 1973. New York Times
  54. ^ "Vario is Sentenced to 6 Years in Jail". April 7, 1973. New York Times
  55. ^ Wise Guy by Nicholas Pileggi January 27, 1986) New York Magazine (pg. 32-33)
  56. ^ In the Matter of Joseph Truncale. Laborers' International Union of North America: Independent Hearing Officer (Docket No. 00-54D) Decided April 24, 2001
  57. ^ Convictions: A Prosecutor's Battles Against Mafia Killers, Drug Kingpins, and Enron Thieves by John Kroger (pg. 74)
  58. ^ "FEDS BUST L.I. 'SOPRANOS' Say mobsters put bite on restaurant" New York Daily News. November 12, 2002
  59. ^ a b "Joseph Caridi" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  60. ^ "Vittorio Amuso" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  61. ^ "Atlas shrugged: Judge Hands Labor Racketeering Kingpin a Soft Sentence, Over Prosecutors' Complaints" by Tom Robbins Village Voice - The (March 9, 2004)
  62. ^ NY Crime Boss Sentenced for Extortion of Cash for Labor Peace by Carl Horowitz (January 19, 2004) National Legal and Policy Center
  63. ^ Milhorn, H. Thomas Crime: Computer Viruses to Twin Towers p.221
  64. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator: "Joseph DiNapoli"". 1999-09-17. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  65. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator: Matthew Madonna". 2003-09-22. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  66. ^ Geoffrey Gray. Massive Indictment Rocks Gambino Family. New York Sun. March 10, 2005. [2]
  67. ^ "U.S. CHARGES Acting Boss, Acting Underboss and top leaders of Gambino Crime Family with Racketeering and other crimes." Department of Justice Press Release March 9, 2005
  68. ^ DOJ press release on Gambino Squitieri, et al. indictments (March 9, 2005)
  69. ^ Garcia, Joaquin and Michael Levin "Making Jack Falcone: An Undercover FBI Agent Takes Down a Mafia Family" (2009). New York: Simon & Schuster, p. 363.
  70. ^ "Federal Bureau of Prisons: John Capra". 1986-11-19. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  71. ^ a b Mcalary, Mike (June 23, 1995). "Tangled Web of Gangsters in the Bronx". Daily News.
  72. ^ a b Berger, Joseph (December 10, 1996). "After 3 Years of Witnesses' Silence, Man Is Charged in a College Student's Killing". The New York Times.
  73. ^ A Case Of Dumb And Dumpster by Mike McAlary (March 13, 1998) New York Daily News
  74. ^ "Joseph (Big Joe) Lubrano, suspected mobster in Luchese crime family, nabbed by feds" BY Alison Gendar and John Lauinger. New York Daily News. September 13, 2010
  75. ^ "The Wrong Guy Got Jail in 1994 Attack" By Mike Mcalary.New York Daily News May 22, 1998
  76. ^ Reputed Luchese family mobster arrested (September 13, 2010) New York Post
  77. ^ Lucchese family capo Lubrano on run captured by Feds (September 14, 2010)
  78. ^ FBI New York Wanted Fugitive Joseph Lubrano Arrested (September 12, 2010)
  79. ^ "Federal Bureau of Prisons: Giovanni Lubrano". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  80. ^ "Reputed Mobster Shot; Power Struggle Suspected" By JAMES BENNET New York Times April 5, 1992
  81. ^ [3]
  82. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator: "Aniello Migliore"". 1997-05-14. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  84. ^ "38 Are Charged In Mob Control Of Construction In the City" William K. Rashbaum (September 7, 2000) New York Times
  85. ^ "38 Charged in Control of Building Projects by Mafia and Unions" William K. Rashbaum (September 7, 2000) The
  86. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator "Dominic Truscello"". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  87. ^ "Bronx sports gambling ring led by Luchese family member busted" By Thomas Zambito New York Daily News November 24, 2008
  88. ^ "Mafia "tomato" gets squished: Raids on SI bet ring bear fruit" By Murray Weiss and Chuck Bennett New York Post November 19, 2009
  89. ^ "Carmine Sciandra" Friend of Ours July 8, 2010
  90. ^ "Feds End Mob Bigs' Buy & Cell" by Helen Peterson (May 23, 1997) New York Daily News
  91. ^ "Feds Charge Seven In Mob Terror Spree" by Mike Claffey (November 29, 2000) New York Daily News
  92. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator "Eugene Castelle"". 2008-08-28. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  93. ^ N.J. Excluded Person - Domenico Cutaia
  94. ^ "No sympathy for sick mobster Domenico Cutaia suffering from MS - judge throws the book at him" by John Marzulli New York Daily News October 23rd 2009
  95. ^ "Federal Bureau of Prison Inmate Locator: Domenico Cutaia". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  96. ^ a b "Superseding Indictment Unsealed Charging Luchese and Bonanno Captains, Soldier, and Associates Variously with Racketeering, Racketeering Conspiracy, Extortion, and Other Crimes" Department of Justice Press Release February 24, 2010
  97. ^ a b Wiseguy Talks: "Get Your Gun; Get Your Knife, Go Out and Rob" by Jerry Capeci (March 8, 2010) Huffington Post New York
  98. ^ a b "Mafia Family Members, Associates Charged with Racketeering, Extortion and Other Crimes" Mafia Today February 26, 2010
  99. ^ Two Lucchese mobsters plead guilty by Mitchel Maddux (February 1, 2011) New York Post
  100. ^ DeVico, Peter J. The Mafia Made Easy: The Anatomy and Culture of La Cosa Nostra. 2007. pg.161-162
  101. ^ a b "ALL 20 ACQUITTED IN JERSEY MOB CASE" By JESUS RANGEL New York Times August 27, 1988
  102. ^ a b "Mob informant's role in Seton probe" New July 8, 2003
  103. ^ a b "2 Top New Jersey Crime Figures Admit Juror Bribery in U.S. Trials" By CHARLES STRUM New York Times September 21, 1993
  104. ^ "NEW JERSEY DAILY BRIEFING;Jailed Mob Boss Indicted" New York Times
  105. ^ "Jersey mob soon to get infusion of old blood". 2002-04-10. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  106. ^ "Names of those charged in $2.2B gambling ring" by Claire Heininger Tuesday, December 18, 2007
  107. ^ "Ralph Perna" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  108. ^ "The Cop and the Stalker" New York Magazine
  109. ^ "Drive on Mob Sabotaged In New Jersey" By CLIFFORD J. LEVY New York Times August 12, 1994
  110. ^ a b c d e f "ROSTER IS GANGSTER RAP SHEET" By GREG B. SMITH New York Daily News February 6th 1998
  111. ^ "Salvatore Avellino, Jr" State of New Jersey Casino Control Commission
  112. ^ "Mob, Murder and Garbage: A Connection Is Reordered" By JOSEPH P. FRIED New York Times January 9, 1995
  113. ^ "For garbage companies, slowdown means there's less to take out" By Winzelberg, David Long Island Business News Friday, June 5, 2009
  114. ^ "Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator "Salvatore Avellino"". 2006-10-13. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  115. ^ Raab p. 643
  116. ^ DeStefano p. 273
  117. ^ "Carmine Avellino" State of New Jersey Casino Control Commission
  118. ^ Jacobs p. 86-87
  119. ^ a b Mob, Murder and Garbage: A Connection Is Reordered by Joseph P. Fried (January 9, 1995) New York Times
  120. ^ "United States of America, Appellee, v. Carmine Avellino, Defendant-appellant"
  121. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator: Carmine Avellino". 2004-02-25. Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  122. ^ "The Miniacis and the Mafiosi" by Bob Norman Broward Palm Beach New Times July 2, 1998
  123. ^ "FEDS BUST L.I. 'SOPRANOS' Say mobsters put bite on restaurant" By MIKE CLAFFEY and JOHN MARZULLI New York Daily News December 11th 2002
  124. ^ "John Cerrella" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  125. ^ a b Mcalary, Mike (April 13, 1998). "Breaking the Code". New York.
  126. ^ "Ray's Pizza Won't Be The Same" by Jerry Capeci This Week in Gangland -
  127. ^ a b c "Mobster helps prosecutors in trial of alleged cop killer." Rick Porello's American Mafia September 23, 1999
  128. ^ "Grandson of Luchese crime capo - Joseph Cutaia - faces rap in robbery try" BY John Marzulli New York Daily News December 24th 2009
  129. ^ a b Lucchese Class of '91 by Jerry Capeci This Week in Gangland (May 4, 1998)
  130. ^ "Wiseguys Breaking Mob Laws" July 14, 2005 The New York Sun
  131. ^ "Trooper Acquitted of Possessing Steroids" by Alfonso Castillo NY Newsday March 15, 2005
  132. ^ "Metro Datelines; 5 Plead Guilty In Airport Trial" New York Times October 9, 1986
  134. ^ "Nearly $5 million mob-linked fraud cited" by George Anastasia August 30, 2009
  135. ^ "Scarfo pal's conviction offers glimpse into mob"
  136. ^ Gotham Unbound: How New York City Was Liberated from the Grip of Organized Crime by James B. Jacobs, Coleen Friel and Robert Radick (1999) (pg. 86-87)
  137. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator "Rocco Vitulli". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  138. ^ "Indictment Says Mob Is Linked To a Mortgage Fraud Operation" By ALAN FEUER New York Times March 29, 2001
  139. ^ "Ray Argentina" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  140. ^ Breakshot: A Life in the 21st Century American Mafia by Kenny Gallo, Matthew Randazzo (pg.449)
  141. ^ La Cosa Nostra Database: John Baudanza. (2007-2011) Baudanza
  142. ^ "The Mob is Busier than the Feds Think" by Gary Weiss (December 15, 1997)
  143. ^ "Seven Members and Associates of the Colombo and Luchese Organized Crime Families Plead Plead Guilty to Racketeering and extortion in Connection with Boiler Room Stock Fraud Schemes" Department of Justice Press Release (April 17, 2007)
  144. ^ Hedge Fund Mobster Gets Seven Years at FIN Alternatives, December 19, 2007
  145. ^ Federal Bureau of Prisons: Inmate Locator "John Baudanza" (Projected Release date August 2, 2015)
  146. ^ a b "Eight Luchese Organized Crime Family Members and Associates Indicted For Racketeering and Other Offenses" Department of Justice Press Release February 28, 2008
  147. ^ "Federal Bureau of Prisons: Inmate Locator "Michael Carcione"". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  148. ^ a b "2 in Lucchese Gang Accused of 'Mob Hit'" by Selwyn Raab (January 25, 1996) New York Times
  149. ^ a b Conte&st=cse&scp=5 "Blood Ties: 2 Officers' Long Path to Mob Murder Indictments" by Alan Feuer and William K. Rashbaum (March 12, 2005) New York Times (pg.2)
  150. ^ "Officials Say Mafia Ran Crack Ring In Brooklyn" by Randy Kennedy (October 2, 1996) New York Times
  151. ^ "George Conte" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  152. ^ "Louis Daidone" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  153. ^ "Andrew DiSimone" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  154. ^ "Christopher Furnari St" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  155. ^ "Officials Say Mafia Ran Crack Ring In Brooklyn" By RANDY KENNEDY New York Times October 2, 1996
  156. ^ "In Plea Bargain, Two Admit Guilt in Mob Figure's '89 Killing" By JOSEPH P. FRIED New York Times September 18, 1997
  157. ^ "James Galione" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  158. ^ "Massaro, Joseph v. U.S. (04/23/2003)" On the Docket Supreme Court News
  159. ^ "JOSEPH MASSARO,Petitioner-Appellant, v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" Findlaw
  160. ^ "Joseph Massaro" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  161. ^ Capeci, Jerry. Jerry Capeci's Gang Land Fifteen Years Of Covering The Mafia. (Page 142-143) [4]
  162. ^ Michael "Perna, Plaintiff v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Defendant"
  163. ^ "UNITED STATES of America, Appellee, v.Michael ESPOSITO, Appellant" US Court of Appeals
  164. ^ "Michael J. Perna" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  165. ^ a b c "Reputed crime family underboss summoned to court in Newark" BY PETER J. SAMPSON The Record Thursday, December 10, 2009
  166. ^ August 1, 2009 (2009-08-01). "Reputed Mobster’s Life Term Reinstated as N.J. Justices Reject Bad-Advice Claim". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  167. ^ William K. Rashbaum. 38 are charged in Mob control of construction in the City. The New York Times. September 7, 2000. [5]
  168. ^ Alan Feuer. Two More Men are charged in a Mob Killing in 1988. The New York Times. November 29, 2000. [6]
  169. ^ "Word for Word/Gangland Testimonials; Dear Judge, Joey Whatshisname Was a Well Respectable Guy" By ALAN FEUER New York Times June 24, 2001
  170. ^ "'Seedy' Mob Boss A Bit Of A Smuggler." By MURRAY WEISS, New York Post Rick Porrello's May 7, 2000
  171. ^ "United States v. Zappola" AltLaw
  172. ^ "3 reputed mobsters nabbed in $2.2B gambling ring" by Laura Craven December 18, 2007
  173. ^ Garcia, Joaquin and Michael Levin. "Making Jack Falcone: An Undercover FBI Agent Takes Down a Mafia Family" (2009) New York: Simon & Schuster, p. 220.
  174. ^ Kappstatter, Bob (September 24, 2007). "Bronx detectives pounce on junkie wanted in shooting slay". Daily News.
  175. ^ "Top Official Has Close Ties to NYC Garment Industry Mobsters" by Carl Horowitz National Legal and Policy Center October 24, 2005
  176. ^ "U.S. Court Rejects Appeal by Brooklyn Garment Workers" By DIANA B. HENRIQUES New York Times May 25, 2000
  177. ^ a b "Police Say Their Chinatown Sting Ties Mob to the Garment Industry" By SELWYN RAAB New York Times March 20, 1990
  178. ^ "Feds Finger Labor Boss Apparel Union Tied to Mafia Shakedown" By William Bastone Village Voice Oct 20 1998
  179. ^ a b Bruce Shapiro. Shaking the foundations: 200 years of investigative journalism in America. pg.433-436
  181. ^ "Mafia, Unions, and NYC Newspapers" Mafia Today November 23, 2009
  182. ^ "Raid Circulation Offices of NYC Newspapers; Seek Evidence in Union Probe" by Carl Horowitz National Legal and Policy Center November 17, 2009
  183. ^ a b Critchley p.130-131
  184. ^ a b Critchley p.111-113
  185. ^ The Struggle for Control: Sicilians & Neapolitans
  186. ^ 2 Mob Fugitives Hiding In New York, Police Say by Selwyn Raab (August 5, 1990) New York Times
  187. ^ Gaspipe: Confessions of a Mafia Boss By Philip Carlo p. 166
  188. ^ Organized crime: 25 years after Valachi. (1988). Issue 1806. (pg. 897)
  189. ^ Raab, Selwyn. Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires. (pg.482-483)
  190. ^ "US 2nd Circuit Cases: Find US 2nd Circuit Opinions at FindLaw". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  191. ^ The litigators: inside the powerful world of America's high-stakes trial lawyers by John A. Jenkins (1989) pg. 4
  192. ^ The Region; 2 Allegedly in Mobs Accused of Extortion (June 13, 1981) New York Times
  193. ^ Speaking Freely: Trials of the First Amendment By Floyd Abrams pg. 97-104
  194. ^ Reputed Leader of a Crime Family is Indicted by U.S. by Arnold H. Lubasch (March 31, 1984) New York Times
  195. ^ Lucchese Emissary Becomes Mob-War Casualty by Selwyn Raab (December 3, 1992) New York Times
  196. ^ Luchese Plot to Kill Junior by Jerry Capeci (May 10, 1999) New York Daily News
  197. ^ "Peter (Big Pete) Chiodo sentenced 17 years after arrest" BY JOHN MARZULLI New York Daily News September 11th 2007
  198. ^ Canary To Sing On Gotti Informer In Feds' Case Vs. Jr. As Valuable As Sammy Bull Jerry Capeci (November 29, 1998) New York Daily News
  199. ^ Say mobsters put bite on restaurant Feds Bust L.I. 'Sopranos'] By Mike Claffey and John Marzulli (December 11, 2002) New York Daily News
  200. ^ "The Year of the Rat" By Jerry Capeci (December 30, 2004) New York Sun
  201. ^ "A Turncoat's Risks, Rewards" by Jerry Capeci (April 6, 2006) New York Sun
  202. ^ "Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator "Vincent Salanardi"". Retrieved 2012-01-02. 
  203. ^ "Pair Get Life Terms In Murder -Reputed Mobsters Also Serving Time For Drugs" By HENRY FITZGERALD JR. Sun January 23, 1997
  204. ^ "Man Indicted In Drug Case" By WARREN RICHEY Sun August 3, 1993
  205. ^ "Goodfella Henry Hill In Drug Bust" The Smoking Gun website
  206. ^ "Gambino Gained 'Mob Tax' With Fear, Prosecutor " By RONALD SULLIVAN New York Times February 5, 1992
  207. ^ "The Gambino Family: A Squirrel of a Man" by Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  209. ^ "NEW YORK DAY BY DAY; Seeking Castellano's Killers" By Susan Heller Anderson and David W. Dunlap New York Times December 30, 1985
  210. ^ "With Gotti Away, the Genoveses Succeed the Leaderless Gambinos" By SELWYN RAAB New York Times September 3, 1995
  211. ^ "Investigators Detail a New Mob Strategy on Building Trades" By SELWYN RAAB New York Times August 8, 1999
  213. ^ "FBI Wiseguy Fooled The Mob" 60 Minutes
  214. ^ "Reputed top N.J. mobster admits running racketeering operation" by Joe Ryan The Star-Ledger January 5, 2010
  215. ^ Jacobs, James B., Coleen Friel and Robert Radick. Gotham Unbound: How New York City Was Liberated from the Grip of Organized Crime. New York: NYU Press, 1999. ISBN 0-8147-4247-5
  216. ^ "Louis "Lepke" Buchalter" FBI website
  217. ^ "The Cuban Mafia" By Ron Chepesiuk The New Criminologist
  218. ^ "JOSÉ MIGUEL BATTLE SR." By David Amoruso Gangsters Inc. August 23, 2008
  219. ^ The Rudaj Organization aka: The Albanian Mafia. November 2, 2004. The Johnsville [7]
  220. ^ Anemona Hartocollis. Albanian Gang Portrayed as Aspiring Mafiosi. December 20, 2005. The New York Times. [8]
  221. ^ Carl Campanile. Albania 'Mafia' Broken. October 27, 2004. New York Post. [9]
  222. ^ Kareem Fahim and Alan Feuer. Beating Them at Their Own Game; Albanian Groups Are Muscling Into Mob Land, Officials Say. January 3, 2006. The New York Times. [10]
  223. ^ "Windows Jury Finds 3 Guilty And Acquits 5" By ARNOLD H. LUBASCH New York Times October 19, 1991
  224. ^ "2 Men Sentenced In 'Windows Trial'" New York Times March 28, 1993
  225. ^ "Gangster Wars" IMDb website
  226. ^ "Mobsters" IMDb webssite
  227. ^ "The Genovese Family: Prologue" by Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  228. ^ Huntley, Kristine (January 27, 2005). "CSI: New York–'Tanglewood' review". CSI Files.
  229. ^ Huntley, Kristine (April 20, 2006). "CSI: New York–'Run Silent, Run Deep' review". CSI Files.


Further reading

External links